RemBrandt Lee Dittrich the Gray
Metaphysical/Spiritual Master
Seeker of Truth
‘in all its forms’
(Truth Forms)
RemBrandtLee the Gray
Master of Duality
Jester of the sacred church
the Path of the Gray
the Middle Path
the House Holders Path
Walker of the Middle Path
Personal Fitness Trainer
Sailmaker/Canvas worker/
industrial sewing
by trade
Boat world
RemBrandt Lee Dittrich was first trained in Property-Personal protection\cleansing or House/Property Cleansing and Protection 20 years ago in year 2001 with his Second Master.
Now after many years of using this skill-set for himself and others he has been called to use it professionally in the open business market. This will be a new Business venture for RemBrandt.
Why you may ask?:
After visiting the Augusta, Georgia area for his children RemBrandt took a small survey of what was needed in this particular geographical area. The unanimous decision was House/Property Cleansing and Protection. Therefore the current action step.
RemBrandt has had 3 Masters so far:
The First was in the subject of Consciousness / What is Reality?. (a Question / Statement)
The Second was in Psychic Behavior / Development.
The Third was in the Healing Arts.
Currently RemBrandt is seeking a Forth master the the Martial Arts.
RemBrandtLee Dittrich is a Local Native Healer and Shaman of Hassel Island, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. He uses hands-on-healing similar to Reiki. Similar to Reiki in application but different in theory and theology. As you look into the multiple forms of hands-on healing work that's out there for example Reiki, Seven Rays, Light Touch, massage therapy, acupuncture or light bodywork. You will find that they are all very similar to each other usually only varying by practitioner and theology. Some of them varying within application. My advice to you is to find a practitioner and theology that you agree with. A good coupling!
Rembrandt was born and raised on St. Thomas United States Virgin Islands. He was also raised on Hassel island, St. Thomas US Virgin Islands where he now resides. His father resided on Hassel island since 1956.